Thursday, October 30, 2008


This will not become a political blog but I need to vent a little. One of my dear friends is a Obama supporter and feels like people are judging her for supporting him I do not agree with how people are treating her at all. (I am a McCain supporter ) Several times in my friends blog people will write how Christians need to be more tolerant, and it makes me so frustrated we can not tolerate sin as Christians. Thou shalt not murder abortion is murder, marriage is to be between one man and one women I can not vote for someone who can just look the other way. Jesus was not tolerant of the women at the well he loved her enough not to be tolerant, but to confront her on her wrong and help her rise above, and that's what we need to do. We can't look down on people, but to look the other way is to let them keep going down a dangerous path. If we accept anything less than the Bible what future is our kids going to have. My own sister feels that there is nothing wrong with these things and it breaks my heart. I have no problem with Obama being black I wouldn't care if he was purple with pink dots and I am sick of this being about race, you know Jesus wasn't white but I still follow him. Please do not be offended by this it's just how I feel and I needed to get it out.


Sheri said...

The problem I have is that our nation was formed for tolerance. We were formed by people you sought refuge from being told how they had to believe and in who. Even though I am a christian our nation was founded to let others decide their own faith. Our founding fathers said there should be a distinct separation between church hand state.

We cannot mandate our religion. We cannot make someone believe something that is legal is wrong because OUR God says it is. Even if we believe he is the one and only true God. That is not what this nation is founded on.

Obama disagrees strongly with abortion since he is a christian, but cannot mandate that for everyone. He believes in marriage and will seek to define it between one man and one woman, but he does support civil unions so homosexual couples can jointly buy homes and have access to healthcare etc. He has said he will not change the definition of marriage.

I am not saying we have to tolerate sin, but my support of Obama is not sin, and I don't believe his positions are either. He may believe something, but he is required to work within the constraints of the law. Just as we may believe in corporal punishment, but the laws at daycare says we cannot do that there. McCain is a liar, does that mean we vote for noone. God says one sin is no better than another. I will vote for the man I trust my children's future with. The one who I believe will leave an America that is stronger and kinder and one that helps others achieve their goals

Thanks for sharing, I understand your position and I hope you get mine. I love you and I appreciate you views.

junglemama said...

You preach it girl! I feel the same way about abortion especially!