Friday, January 30, 2009


Yesterday we had a meeting with Reagan's teachers to discuss some behavior problems. We talked forever and have realized some of his behaviors are learned from other kids and some he is acting out. We are going to get Reagan a physical and make sure everything is fine. I feel really encouarged they gave us some great ideas and hopefully Reagan will get through this.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reagan asks Jesus in to his heart

Last night Reagan and I went to the Y for his swimming lessons after we stayed for open swim. We had a lot of fun and some nice mommy time. When we were changing out of the blue asks "why did Jesus have to die on the cross and get needles in his hands" I explained the story to him. He then says Kaitlyn says I need to be a Christian how do I do that. So right there in the Y family locker room he made the most important decision. We are so lucky and blessed that our kids have to come to know about Jesus at a young age and hopefully will continue their relationship into adult hood. Tomorrow we are brainstorming with Reagan's teachers about his behavior and stuff I hope all goes well, please keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thoughtful gifts

My mom always buys the best Christmas gifts they are not only great but they are really practical. Last year she bought me a electric griddle and I can make 6 cowboy eggs at once before I could only do two and it took forever to get everybody fed. This year she bought a cd and radio for under the cabinet in the kitchen so today I was able to cook all at once while listening to music.

Family First

Today I talked to my boss at the craft store and told her starting March 1 I want all Saturdays off. I have always had a problem setting boundaries and saying no. My dad and I even went to a seminar when I was a teen about setting boundaries and he paid me to read the book, but today I did it I had rehearsed all the what if she says this or that amazingly I told her and she said great that I need to make time for rest. I prayed and prayed God would lead me to the right place and I know he did not many retail places would say sure have every Saturday off. Please pray for Reagan we are having alot of behavior issues I'm going to talk to his resource teacher and find out what we can do.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugration day

I'm not going to go on and on about this but I read a great blog today and wanted to share it. We had a great day instead of listening to the tv me and by husband turned off the tv and had a great day spending some time together.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fun Sledding

Today me and John went sledding it was so much fun. It was kind of funny sledding while the kids were at school. I went down this one hill and hit a divet and slammed my head on the side of the mountain and went air born while falling on my ribs John was laughing so hard and wished he had a camera. I'm telling you it felt awful I was almost afraid to get up I hurt so bad. After we went sledding we went on a hike through the snow. I'm glad he thought of doing this today we were going to the Y, but than John suggested we go sledding. It was a great day.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn

This week was Kailtyn's birthday I can't believe she's eight. We gave Kailtyn the option of having a birthday party or spending the night as a family in a hotel room. We stayed at the hotel and had a blast.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Kaitlyn's PJ's

Sometimes we get are guilty of not going through our kids clothes and pulling out the sizes that are too small. Kaitlyn came in the living room tonight and asked if her pants shrunk. I looked at the size and it's a 4T.

I have turned into my mom.

My mom will never be accused of being a pack rat her motto is "If you haven't used it in 30 days you don't need it." When we were little my mom would clean our house and throw away stuff or give it to the good will. Sometime me and my sister would go to the good will and find our notebooks or things with our names and have to buy our stuff back. (you can imangine how thrilled my mom was seeing it come back)
Tonight John had to go be with his mom, and we thought we would surprise him buy cleaning the house. I helped the kids clean their rooms, but I found myself saying Reagan you don't use this do you really need it and trying to get them to get rid of the clutter. I have to admit when he wasn't looking I threw a couple things away. When I was thrilled with the way his room looked he comes in arms loaded and says look at this stuff I found in the trash. What can I say mother like daughter.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What does PG-13 mean?

Last weekend we rented movies and Kaitlyn wanted to stay up and watch mine. Me and John were dicussing what it was rated and Kailtyn says I know what PG-13 means. "It means there is P and a G on it and there are 13 things wrong with it." We ended up calling my mom since she had already seen it to see if it was that bad or not. Kailtyn got to watch it, but we all laugh at her definition.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Lately I have been working alot. When I came home John and the kids had went and picked out flowers to thank me for all my hard work. Aren't they a great family I am truly blessed with a wonderful husband and great kids.

Friday, January 2, 2009


When my dad was still alive and we would go over there he would always say "Katie-Bug we have work to do" and they would shred papers. Today I was paying bills and shredding the staments and Kaitlyn asked if she could do it. I could see the memories in her eyes and would love to know what she was thinking. She's a great kid, but keeps things buried inside.